Nava Shoham – 1800 Ketubah

“We love Passover! For us it’s a unique time, interlacing the past and present, family gathering with all my children, Haggadah reading, tasting unique foods and being thankful to our freedom.”
Nava Shoham – 1800 Ketubah
Interview – Online Shop – Instagram – Facebook
Lesley Kogan – Clay is My Art

“Seder Night – Our family’s eclectic collection of customs and songs, which have developed over the years and brings us together, wherever we may be in the world.”
Lesley Kogan – Clay is My Art
Interview – Online Shop – Instagram – Facebook
Jacki Cohen – Jacki Cohen Glass Art Designs

“To me Passover is about two primary elements: Family and the tradition of telling the Passover story in a non-traditional manner. My brother and his family host seder every year and every year he creates a new interactive Haggadah. The Passover story is told in a creative and different way each year, with participation encouraged by the handing out of $2 bills for involvement. The Haggadah is filled with cute jokes and music, using technology, visual aids in addition to the written word. We often break for the story to be told visually. Examples of the visual Haggadah are: Games shows, TV talk shows, various board games, and acting out scenes. When the kids were little, we did things such as puppet shows. The story being told and conversation that ensues becomes deeper and more intellectual as our children grow up. One factor that stays the same is the encouragement of questions and continued dialogue. Of the 5 young adults at our seder table, 2 are erev rabbis finishing their education and 1 wants to be a rabbi; therefore, the conversations are very interesting. As with all Jewish holidays, family, food, tradition, and telling our story is what makes is so special.”
Jacki Cohen – Jacki Cohen Glass Art Designs
Interview – Online Shop – Instagram – Facebook
Amy Rosen – Amy Rosen Art

“What I love most about Passover is that it’s the beginning of the spring season! The beginning of flowers blossoming, that brings with it a sweetness to the air. Colours coming alive in nature! Vibrant colours everywhere. The Matza cover is a central part of the Passover holiday, so what is more fitting than a floral design?!”
Amy Rosen – Amy Rosen Art
Interview – Online Shop – Instagram – Facebook
Na’ama Yacoby – Na’ama’s Art

“What I love the most about Passover is the tradition. Be it the one I carried from my parent’s home with all my Passover memories throughout the years or the one I created for my own family that combines the old traditions and new ones.”
Na’ama Yacoby – Na’ama’s Art
Interview – Online Shop – Facebook – Instagram
Lia Bruce – SaltWare Design

“I love Passover especially for the sense of FREEDOM it brings. Freedom is one of the major symbols of Passover, as the people of Israel went out of their slavery and became free (Bnei Chorin). I always sense that as it comes along with spring, warmth, opening the windows, wearing lighter clothes and smelling the fresh air and the scent of blossom.
This year it feels even stronger: After endless lockdowns, we are free at last to go out,see friends, hug our dear family and celebrate the Seder together!”
Lia Bruce – SaltWare Design
Interview – Online Shop – Facebook – Instagram
Michal Avrech – Michal Avrech Art

“I love the familiarity of Passover, the sense of closeness we missed so much this year. This holiday symbolizes for me a renewal of growth and new beginnings. The spectacular spring nature that I love to paint so much also gives joy and optimism.”
Michal Avrech – Michal Avrech Art
Interview – Online Shop – Facebook – Instagram
Dafna Shemesh-David – Meydalle Jewelry

“Passover has always been an exceptional time of year for me. It’s the holiday of liberation and freedom, and those are such important notions for our personal development. For me, freedom means being able to follow your dreams and remembering that anything is possible. The beauty of nature here in Israel in this season always inspires me to be outside more and gives me a sense of endless possibilities. I can almost sense all the new beginnings in the air. Happy Passover!
What’s keeping us for stepping on these new paths? Often it’s a simple matter of believing in ourselves. I chose the Emuna – Faith bracelet as a reminder of what we need most.”
Dafna Shemesh-David – Meydalle Jewelry
Interview – Online Shop – Facebook – Instagram
Anna Kozemjakin – Anna Kozemjakin Judaica Art

“Passover has always been a special holiday for me. It has always been fun to lead a Seder in front of different people back in Ukraine, when I was young, and we have so many nice memories and hilarious stories about it.
And now having fun with two kids running around searching for a Afikoman, making Hillel sandwiches and sing Ma Nishtanah is a special kind of excitement. Pesach is full of symbolism and with lots of inspiration, which is valid for modern times – this notion of freedom and what it really means to be free today?”
Anna Kozemjakin – Anna Kozemjakin Judaica Art
Interview – Online Shop – Facebook – Instagram
Cecilia Kremer – Chromatile by Cecilia Kremer

“As with other major Jewish holidays, Passover starts with the recalling of our past and its sacred traditions. Yet, the ever-evolving nature of Jewish history, creates the conditions that encourages us to find new ways to reflect on the present and prepare for the future.
My favorite part of Passover is the gathering of our loved ones around the table. Yes, it is a lot of work to cook for and accommodate over 30 people in our dining room (unfortunately, our walls refuse to become stretchable). Yet, I love how my husband, as the leader of the Seder, pays homage to our heritage (or attempts to do so ) while simultaneously adding his characteristic sense of humor to make parallels between the Passover story and the present. We eat, we tell the story of Passover, we sing the traditional and other non-traditional songs, we wash hands, we drink wine, but most importantly, we try to find meaning to take better care of ourselves and each other within the rhythms of our rituals and the love of community.”
Cecilia Kremer – Chromatile by Cecilia Kremer