Photo: Courtesy of Valeriya Khomar
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
I am Valeria Khomar, born in the former Soviet Union, in Ukraine. Since 1995, my family and I have been living in Montreal, Canada. Today I teach Computer Graphics and create my art.
What inspired you to become an artist?
Love and passion for art have been firmly woven into my life from the cradle. My father, a talented visual artist, had a huge influence on my artistic development. Driven by the inspiration that came from him, I got my classical education in fine arts. Since then I have created and exhibited in Ukraine, Canada, US and Europe.
What is your specialty?
Being a multidimensional artist, I always work with different medias. You can recognize my art by floating ribbon-like shapes, symbolic patterns, varieties of textures, and of course – the colours. I love colours and am not afraid to use them.
How and where do you work?
The dining room is easily transformed into my workplace. Large windows, an inspiring view on my beautiful backyard, my studio is the most influential place in my house, where I spend most of my days and, very often, nights.
What is the most indispensable item in your studio space?
Light. Big windows and the proper settings of lights are essential and most indispensable for my work.
Where do you take your inspiration? Are you pursuing any themes?
Sometimes I can be inspired by an event, scene, conversation, colour, smell,.. But Judaica and Nature are endless sources of my inspiration. Each of my paintings is one or another way connected to those topics and reflects them. The two main themes that lead me through my art career are Jewish history and Wildlife.
Do you do bespoke work?
Yes, I do custom works very often.
What projects are you currently working on?
Presently, I work on two projects. One of them is a painted Ketubah for a beautiful couple, uniting in early August. It will be the Tree of Life, glowing with love and happiness, full of bright, vibrant colors.
The second one relates to my love to nature and the discovery of original techniques – painting on wood. It is so fascinating to experiment and find a new approach to express my passion.
What is your favourite item in your current collection?
Sorry, I do not have a straight answer to that question. This is the same as to ask which one of your children you like the most. Each one of my paintings is valuable to me, there is a part of me in my works. Maybe I am too attached to my “babies”, but I can’t favourite only one item.
How do you know when a piece is finished?
Finishing always perceives differently. Sometimes I know that it is, done. Other times, I turn my painting facing a wall for a few days or even weeks, and then I look at it with a fresh eye. I might keep it as is, or make a few final touches, or redo everything.
What was the first artwork you ever sold?
I was probably 14 when my mother’s friend saw my artwork and offered to purchase a still live. I was absolutely delighted to have a fan of my art, refused a payment, but the woman insisted. She said: ‘Kid, you worked and did a good job, you put your talent and time in it. You give me a pleasure to look at a beautiful art every single day. Such work has to be appreciated and paid, you have earned this money.’
Through my life I have sold many paintings, but this sale is the most memorable. My first customer taught me a valuable lesson and instilled a confidence in pursuing my art path.
Which project have you enjoyed working on the most so far?
That will be the Ketubah paintings. Chuppa is one of the most beautiful and significant Jewish traditions, one of the most important and happiest days in life. Creating an artwork for such a wonderful event is a great honour and joy.
What do you want to achieve with your work and what are your wishes for the future?
I want to convey my feelings and find a response in people’s hearts. I do this by learning Jewish traditions and expressing them through my art to Jewish communities and people around the world.
Where can we find your work?
You can view my art on Instagram: www.instagram.com/artvaleriyakhomar/
My website: www.artistvaleriyakhomar.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/valeriya.khomar
Photos: Courtesy of Valeriya Khomar

Photo: Courtesy of Valeriya Khomar

Photo: Courtesy of Valeriya Khomar