Photo: Courtesy of Lori Arbel
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
Today I am an artist, healer, teacher, and creativity coach. I’ve devoted my life to creating art that’s distinctive and life-affirming, and that can hopefully help us discover more about who we are, and who we can be.
My passion to create innovative mixed-media art and photography – and to help others bring out their own inner artists- has led me to teach in NYC and South Florida schools and community spaces for 18 years.
What inspired you to become an artist?
I remember crafting with my cousin as a little girl and thinking, “I really like doing this sort of thing with my hands.” Flash forward to high school, I remember taking a photograph and in my thoughts I heard “I want this, art, to be part of my life’s work.”
What is your specialty?
Mixed media, the medium that bests expresses what I’m trying to convey. I am currently embracing intuitive art to help understand major life transitions.
How and where do you work?
I work from my home studio. I have two spaces indoors depending on scale and really enjoy working in the garage when I want to be extra expressive, meaningful, and sweaty!
What is the most indispensable item in your studio space?
A variety of paint pens, markers, and paper.
Where do you take your inspiration? Are you pursuing any themes?
I take inspiration from personal memories while also connecting to something bigger than myself. I’ve recently been finding ways to collaborate and grow through the exploration of connections.
Do you do bespoke work?
I enjoy commissioned works that blend my style with my collectors’ style.
What projects are you currently working on?
With its third rendition I’ve been called to create Marks 4 Their Lives
This international project celebrates oneness & individualism through art and remembrance. This short yet mindful experience works with all ages and skill levels. We invite you to participate and to send your project to us for inclusion in the gallery.
We all have the child within us, the one that wants to be recognized and not forgotten. Take any size paper and make a mark for each year of your life, to celebrate your existence, your uniqueness, and honor the 1.5 million children whose lives were taken in the Holocaust. As you make each mark reflect on your life year by year. How are you going to make a mark on the world? Learn more and follow us at #marks4theirlives
What are your favourite items in your current collection?
My original artworks on paper with pen and ink are my favorites. I also think umbrellas and blankets with my art express the collections full interior design and product potential.
How do you know when a piece is finished?
When I feel at peace and nothing more should be done.
What was the first artwork you ever sold?
A beautiful photograph of a Thai brother teaching is little sister, to St. Vincent Hospital in NYC.
Which project have you enjoyed working on the most so far?
I enjoyed working on “Thought Patterns,” an art & poetry collection which was also my first solo art exhibition. It is a mixed-media collection that explores the inner psyche including the monotonous tasks of everyday life. Using marks and a reduced, neutral palette, I delve into thought patterns to question how we connect, respond, and make our mark on the world while embracing emotional introspection for content. Pen and ink lines, handmade paper, and geometric shapes allow me to express texture and patterns visually in energetic and meditative renderings. The imperfections of the handmade paper and the pop of gold illustrate metaphor, transforming sometimes negative energy into something beautiful.
What do you want to achieve with your work and what are your wishes for the future?
I strive to illustrate metaphor, transforming negative energy into something beautiful. I wish to continue to spread love, light, and hope through my art.
Where can we find your work?

Photos: Courtesy of Lori Arbel