Photo: Courtesy of Henya (Gutnick) Chein
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
My name is Henya (Gutnick) Chein I’m married with two kids living in NY. I’m from Los Angeles, I lived there most of my life, and am now in midst of moving to Florida. Art gives me the creative space to express myself in a deep and fun way. I absolutely love being able to take an idea and put it on canvas or anything I can find to paint on!
What inspired you to become an artist?
After the first birth of my son I went through post partum depression. As I got out of it and back to myself I started to get back to all my old hobbies I used to love to do. My husband wanted to do a paint night so we went and got some supplies and next thing I knew I was selling my paintings. I had no idea I could paint like this. I knew I could draw seriously which I’ve been doing since I was a teen, but I had no idea I could accomplish what I have.
Do you take on commissions and create bespoke designs?
Yes I do commissioned pieces, sometimes a painting of mine has sold and a client wants something similar. I have had a client who saw a painting of mine, but wanted it in different colors to match her home, so I redid the painting in her color scheme.
What is your speciality?
My specialty I would say is expressionist Judaic paintings and watercolor. I’ve been doing watercolor since I was 15, it’s my favorite thing to do I absolutely love the magic of it.
Where do you take your inspiration from? Are you pursuing any themes?
My inspiration comes from everywhere, Judaica concepts, scenary I see everyday, color schemes … Thoughts just pop into my head throughout the day, sometimes I just have to make mini ideas of them just to get the creativity out! I’m currently working on a children theme of paintings that I’m really excited to share! As well as a art showing I have coming up June 26.
Which project have you enjoyed working on the most so far?
It’s so hard to say! My heart soul- literally a piece of me- goes into each painting and when it’s done it’s a expression of me. I would have to say one that was special to me and I enjoyed most was my painting “The Pink Stones” an acrylic piece with layers upon layers of paint of the beautiful kotel.
What do you want to achieve with your work and what are your wishes for the future?
What I would love to accomplish most with my paintings would be to open more Jewish homes and people’s hearts to Jewish art. I would love to expand my business and audience right now I just love being able to paint and share it with others. I’m looking forward to opening a gallery when I move to Florida.
Where can we find your work?
You can find my work on social media and on my website. My name is @henyasartinspirations on Instagram and Facebook. My website is https://henya-gutnick.pixels.com/art

Photos: Courtesy of Henya (Gutnick) Chein