Meet The Educators: Amanda Herring and Mo Golden of The Jewish Planner

Amanda Herring and Mo Golden are both experiential Jewish educators from the D.C. area. They met in graduate school, where they discovered their mutual interests and complementary skills. Amanda is based in D.C. and works as an event curator and experiential educator connecting Jewish text and tradition, food and farming justice, and environmental advocacy in […]

Meet The Artist: Zalmen Glauber

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.  I was born and raised in the Hasidic part of Williamsburg.  Currently still living in Williamsburg with my wife and 5 lovely kids. I Went for Higher Education in Psychology, but ended up in real estate developments. After building a few projects, I decided to learn and […]

Meet The Artist: Jo Wilson of Dandelion Stationery

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background. At Dandelion Stationery – everyone gets involved, nobody gets a free ride. Inspiration, design, printing, hand-finishing, packaging, distribution – there’s always a job to be done.  When it comes to making cards, we like to do most things in-house and very little is outsourced. We are quite possibly control freaks but it […]

Meet The Artist: Ross Berman

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background. Hi! Thank you for inviting me to share my work! My name is Ross Berman. I’m an artist and illustrator and I live with my wife and daughter in Los Angeles. We’ve made Pico-Robertson home for 23 years. My current project is ‘Chai Life Gallery.’ […]

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