Photo: Courtesy of TouchwooDesign
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
We, Assaf Goldstein and Ofir Baruochi, are industrial designers, graduates of the Jerusalem Hadassa College. We both worked for a few years as employees of the Israel Museum and after obtaining the required experience, we decided to branch out on our own and establish Touchwoodesign.
What inspired you to start your company, TouchwooDesign?
As soon as we became fathers, we began to think about making toys for our children and that is how it all began!
Could you share with our readers more about the lines of products you design and sell?
We design construction/ model kits that don’t need glue, nails or tools to combine the products. The products are flat-packed, are lightweight and easy to carry, and the perfect gift to send in the post or to take home from a holiday. We have many categories, such as: toy and games, wildlife, transportation, holidays and festivals, gifts and home décor, and most importantly, the Land of the Bible, which has sub-categories of both Judaica and Christian narratives. Here, we have a big advantage since we are in the Holy Land and this makes the products more authentic.
Recently, due to Covid 19, we created a brand new category – educational puzzles – here we have both general knowledge subjects such as space themes and the human body, as well as religious and Bible themed puzzles.
We have the ability to make custom-made products for our clients and to make the product suit the clients’ needs in terms of design, size and price.
Of all the products you have in your catalogue, which are your favourite three?
Noah’s Ark – The Land of the Bible – this is a reconstruction of the famous ark with 7 animal pairs and Noah. This is our best seller worldwide.
The Temple – a recreation of The Second Temple of Jerusalem from 516 BCE-70 CE, is sacred to both Jews and Christians and people come from all over to view the magnificent model of the Temple in the Israel Museum.
The Solar System and the Planets – educational puzzles – was the first puzzle designed during Covid 19 – children love space and the solar system, and this a great educational puzzle follows Montessori values for learning and teaching.
Where can our readers find out more about your business and where can they purchase your products?
We have recently opened our website and you can find information about us both on the home page and on the About Us page.
Just go into any of the listed categories and you can purchase any item you like!
Also, we have an Etsy shop.
And an Ebay shop.
We have our own Facebook page where you can see all our newest designs and like – we advise liking the store to receive updates on special offers and new designs.
We also have our own Instagram page where you can also see all our newest designs and follow us to get news on special offers too!
Photos: Courtesy of TouchwooDesign