Title: Blessing for Shabbat Candles, no. 2014-51
Artist: Alyse Radenovic
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Dimensions: 16 x 20 inches
Date: 2014
Alyse Radenovic’s painting is an abstract depiction of the deeply spiritual text of the Hebrew blessing for kindling the Shabbat candles on Friday night.
The upper part of the painting is kept in light-blue, dark-blue, purple, and elements of both white and gold, which you can find throughout the artwork. In the lower part of the painting, you can furthermore see elements of pink, lavender, red, orange, and yellow. Keeping the colder colours on top and the warmer ones on the bottom aides in creating a well-balanced portrayal of the harmony of sunset and nightfall. Neither one, nor the other, dominates the picture, which shows the natural balance and the importance of both very well.
For the Hebrew Calligraphy Alyse Radenovic has chosen various colours. With none of the colours dominating, she was successful in creating a natural harmony within her painting.
Motion can be seen in the illusion of change of colours throughout the painting. Examples would be the warmer colours making way for the darker colours, portraying the sunset and nightfall; as well as the white elements, which can be interpreted as stars, slowly but surely appearing in the sky, some already being visible in the lower part, the sunset part, of the painting. The ideal moment to recite the blessing itself – a few minutes before the sunset.
The carefully selected colour scheme aided in creating the depth an atmospheric perspective we can witness in nature from sunset to nightfall. The various elements complete, as well as compliment, each other very well.
Alyse Radenovic created an asymmetrical balance, which is symmetric in its own way. The unique balance this brilliant artist created enhances the realistic portrayal of nature’s part in the beginning of Shabbat at the end of the day. Calming, soothing, and peaceful at the same time. The artist has also successfully captured the deeply spiritual element of lighting Shabbat candles at the exact time they are being lit by Jewish women around the world. Her painting is an inspiration to stop for a moment, take a deep breath, to ignore the busy world around us, to connect with Jewish traditions, and to be mindful.
Alyse Radenovic’s painting is a powerful abstract work that makes the perfect addition to any modern Jewish home. I highly recommend Alyse’s work to anyone looking to decorate their home with spiritual art, that doesn’t just have a deeper meaning, but that portrays the beauty of it in a very special and unique way.
Alyse Radenovic is a Jewish American fine artist who works from her studio in Alexandria, Virginia. She has been painting since 2007. You can find her artwork on her Website,Facebook, Instagram, Fine Art America, and Amazon.Are you curious to get to know more about this very talented artist? We have recently interviewed Alyse for you! You can find her interview here.
Magnolias V has been reviewed by Austrian Crime Author Marie Anders. You can find her books in both German and English on Amazon,BookDepository, Weltbild, Thalia, and Chapters Indigo. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates.