The Hoopoe is the National Bird of Israel

Photo: Courtesy of alicepaipai
In 2008, the Hoopoe was declared the national bird of Israel following a survey of over 150 000 citizens.
Hoopoes can be generally categorised into three types of living species.

Photo: Courtesy of SajeevBhaskaran
The three species are the African Hoopoe, Eurasian Hoopoe, and the Madagascan Hoopoe.
The Hoopoe measures between 25 – 32 cm in length

Photo: Courtesy of SajeevBhaskaran
Measuring between 25 – 32 cm in length, the Hoopoe has a wingspan of 44 – 48 cm and weighs between 46 and 89 g.
The Hoopoe has a trisyllabic song

Photo: Courtesy of Linda1978
The song of the Hoopoe is a very melodious “hoo-hoo-hoo”.
The Hoopoe is an omnivore

Photo: Courtesy of Takashi_Yanagisawa
Hoopoes mainly eat insects but will also consume small lizards, frogs, spiders, fruits and seeds.
The Hoopoe is monogamous and engages in Courtship Feeding

Photo: Courtesy of BarbeeAnne
While the Hoopoe is a monogamous bird, the pair-bond only lasts for one season.
The Hoopoe does not build its own nest using twigs

Photo: Courtesy of Woody_Wang
Rather than build their own nests, Hoopoes are known to inhabit pre-existing holes in vertical surfaces, such as the trunk of a tree.
The Hoopoe can emit unpleasant chemicals to ward of predators

Photo: Courtesy of Pixamio
Hoopoes have the capacity to point their tails at threatening animals and emit a foul stench to ward off predators.
The Hoopoe population is considered robust

Photo: Courtesy of MrLebies
It is believed that we can find between five and 10 million Hoopoes in the world.
The Hoopoe’s crest serves as a signalling role

Photo: Courtesy of BarbeeAnne
The Hoopoe’s crest feathers indicate to other animals what mood the bird is in. When his feathers rest firmly against its head, the Hoopoe is in a calm and relaxed state. When the crest feathers are raised and appear larger, it is a sign that the bird is agitated or excited about something.
Shop: HittaRomantik
Photo: Courtesy of ETSY

A beloved motif for artists all around the world, the lovely Anna Kozemjakin would be thrilled to paint a bespoke Hoopoe bird for you. You can learn more about Anna here. Don’t forget to follow her on Instagram as well!
Video: Courtesy of Mark Barkan – Video Created by AviBirds Team – (Website: AviBirds)