Hosting a larger group of people for Rosh Hashanah dinner for the first time? What a wonderful opportunity to go all out!
As a group of people who enjoy hosting others for Shabbat and holiday dinners, we cannot wait for the High Holidays! Polishing the silverware, getting our crystal and favourite porcelain out is just the beginning.
While some people prefer a classic table, there are more and more who opt for themed holiday decorations. This is something easily achieved by selecting the right holiday table linen, a fitting Challah cover as well as a matching table runner, coasters, holiday themed napkins, and seasonal table decorations.
In any case, we highly recommend using place cards and printed menus when hosting a bigger group. It does not just look elegant but makes the seating arrangements easier and less stressful for everyone.
At the end of the day, you want your guests to have a positive experience coming to your home and not feel uncomfortable the entire evening because they have to sit between people whom they have nothing to talk about or are blatantly ignored by because they simple do not share the same interests or work in the same field.
Unfortunately, this is something that tends to happen around holiday tables more often than not. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how much you try, if your seating neighbour is not willing to communicate with you, or visibly turns away from you to make this clear from the get-go, there is not much you can do. In order to avoid a negative, and potentially hurtful atmosphere around your dinner table, we can not stress enough how important it is to thoroughly think your seating arrangement through and use place cards. When the conversation flows, everyone feels relaxed and included.

Shop: EngraveCelebration
Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: LoveMessagesXO
Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: MomsAndCrafters
Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: AfterLunaStudio
Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: Hanukkahkits
Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: PerfectPartyDigital
Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: WillowLanePaperie
Photos: Courtesy of ETSY