Bring a smile to your friends’ faces by sending them beautiful Christmas cards this year! Is there a better way to show your friends how much they mean to you and how much you care about them than by sending them a handwritten card even if you yourself do not celebrate the holiday? Writing a […]
Category: Gift Lists
100 + Star of David Necklaces we L-O-V-E this season!
Remember the days when you went from jeweller to jeweller trying to find a Star of David necklace that suits both your style and personality, and their selection was rather meagre? Especially outside of Israel! Luckily, this has changed over the years and finding the perfect piece for yourself has become much easier! We speak […]
18 Adorable Designs That Will Make You Want to Pick Up Needle Felting Immediately!
Shop: HawthornHandmade Photos: Courtesy of ETSY At Judaica in the Spotlight, we love how versatile needle felting is. With a little bit of practice, you will be able to create stunningly beautiful sculptures your family and friends will fall head over heels in love with the moment they will lay eyes on them. Be prepared […]
18 Jewish Paintings To Decorate Your Home With
We believe that every person should have the opportunity to decorate their home with beautiful artwork. The budget is secondary. Who ever said you have to purchase everything at once? We live in a time and day in which acquiring art has never been easier. Isn’t it wonderful that you don’t have to travel all […]
All Strings Attached: 18 String Art Kits to Enjoy for the entire Family!
Have you ever thought about creating your own contemporary wall art but were unsure how to get started? How about giving it a go at String Art! It’s super easy, fun to work on, and the entire family can participate. A wonderful way to keep busy over the weekend, we have put together a fantastic […]
18 Embroidery Kits for a Rainy Weekend!
As one of the most beloved traditional forms of art, embroidery has captivated many people throughout the world over centuries. Embroidery is not only a fantastic mindfulness exercise to train your focus and concentration skills but has also shown to relieve stress and to help people struggling with anxiety. After practicing embroidery for […]
99 Hamsa Jewellery Pieces That Will Protect You From The Evil Eye!
Rooted in superstition, there is no consensus amongst historians where exactly the Hamsa originated. It may have been in modern day Tunisia, Ancient Egypt, or Iraq. Being one of the most beloved protective symbols across the Middle East and Northern African, it doesn’t surprise us that it has been adopted by many different cultures around […]
36 Modern Jewellery Pieces You Don’t Have, YET! (But Should)
At Judaica in the Spotlight we are passionate about Art and Design, especially when it comes to jewellery. If you are always looking for trendy jewellery pieces no one else has, or if you are looking for a present for someone who isn’t very traditional when it comes to their accessories, this post is for […]
5 Reasons Why We Love Meditating! (+ Artwork you simply Have to Have in your Meditation Space)
Do you feel stressed by everything and everyone around you? Are you getting tense just by thinking about certain situations? Can you feel anxiety slowly creeping up inside of you? Are you worried this will never stop? We have all been there at one time or another. This is why we want to help you […]
60 Stunning Vanity Bags for your next getaway!
Many of our readers enjoy the occasional weekend away from home and we have to admit we do so as well. Sometimes you just need to get out of the city, breathe some fresh air, and recharge your batteries. Self-care, after all, is very important. One of the most important items to take with you […]