Photo: Courtesy of Rod and Flame
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
I work as a 3D render artist. My wife really wanted to buy me a large silver menorah when we moved into our house. I went to the Judaic store and did not like any of the standard menorahs. I really wanted something floor standing and modern. Soon after that I was looking for a very custom metal manufacturer that makes table legs for a client of mine. I found a manufacturer for the client and then asked if he would create a top quality custom menorah for me. When the menorah arrived, every person who walked into my house asked if I can replicate it for them. I came up with a few more designs and that’s how Rod and flame was born.
Where do you take your inspiration? Are you pursuing any themes?
We started with the floor standing menorahs but we had so many requests for tabletop as well so this year we made it happen. In addition, we received thousands of requests for Shabbos candelabras so that was included in our collection as well.
Do you do bespoke work?
For an additional charge, we’ve had customers chose custom colors for their menorah.
What projects are you currently working on?
We are constantly working on new Judaic items that fit our modern art theme.
What is your favorite item in your current collection?
My favorite item is the black parallel menorah as it was the first menorah I created for myself.
Where can we find your work?
You can shop on our website at Rodandflame.com and find us on Instagram @rodandflamemenorahs.

Photos: Courtesy of Rod and Flame