Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
I am an immigrant, that comes from a long line of immigrants! I was born in Buenos Aires, although my roots are in Imperial Russia. My grandparents immigrated as children, along with their parents and siblings, escaping persecution and the pogroms so common in the Pale of Settlement. In the early 1960s, my father decided it was time to leave Argentina due to political and economic reasons, and we were fortunate enough to immigrate to the United States of America. For the most part, I was raised in California—although I constantly traveled back and forth to my native country due to my father’s employment with Pan American Airlines. I began writing late in life as an empty-nester, although I have always had a partiality for the craft. I am delighted to say that my books have been well received, having earned positive reviews and several “indie-author” awards along the way.
What inspired you to become an author?
The inspiration for writing my first book—a Creative Nonfiction—was, first and foremost, for my kids. I have three adult children and my sense of family and tradition propelled me to give them a tangible link— something that would forever remind them that they came from this loving, enduring stock. We are the product of our Jewish heritage, Russian ancestry, and Argentine culture. My first attempt at writing might have been amateurish at best, but I was encouraged by the reception it received. Family, friends, and strangers alike related to the Universal themes of the narrative. They identified with my story. And isn’t that what any art form is about—the human connection?
How many books have you published until today?
I am proud to say that I have published a total of five books to date. I am sure that my mom and dad, and all the bobes and zeides, are kvelling!
Where do you take your inspiration from?
I have a penchant for all things Judaic, along with a great passion for historical or period fiction. There is an adage that states “write what you know,” as well as, the axiom that urges one to “write the book you wish to read.” That is my inspiration. I want to incorporate my love for Austen, Gaskell, and the Brontë sisters with Judaica. I am inspired to introduce Jewish protagonists into historical fiction and historical romance novels that are not Holocaust-related. Judaism is a religion that focuses on Life—my ancestors taught me that much! I am inspired to shine the light on their dreams and accomplishments. I look to take my readers out of the British drawing room and introduce them to new personalities, new countries, and new adventures.
Who are the writers who have influenced your style?
Certainly, Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters have been a great influence. Louisa May Alcott is another author I have to acknowledge. Edna Ferber’s work in Fanny Herself was inspiring. I think we all are multidimensional, and Ferber’s protagonist shows that we can’t be pigeonholed with societal labels. And, if you will indulge me, I’d like to add one more. I Remember Mama, a 1948 film, had a tremendous influence on me as an immigrant writer with a story—and a vision—to impart.
Which of the novels you have published so far is your favourite and why?
That’s like asking a mother to choose a favorite child! I am proud of each book and love them all for different reasons. They are clean reads; they are light and entertaining—nevertheless, they each pack a powerful punch. One might be set in Imperial Russia, another in the fictional English town of Meryton, and still another in the pampas of Argentina, but they all speak to Universal Themes of Acceptance, Assimilation, Culture and Personal Growth.
What does writing mean to you?
Writing gives me a voice. Writing encourages communication, awareness, and introspection. I think Jane Austen’s Realism inspired me to put pen to paper. Yes, she was witty and sarcastic; but in essence, Austen allows us to look into a different world, a different ethos. With my cultural heritage and ethnic background, following in Austen’s footsteps gives me—a Russian Jew, Argentine immigrant—a platform. And that’s important to me.
Which authors can we find in your library?
Aside from the others I’ve mentioned earlier, you may find Joyce Reiser Kornblatt, Judy Blume, Daphne du Maurier, Kyra Kaptzan Robinov, George Elliot, Rena Rossner, Barbara Cartland, Victoria Holt, Sherry V. Ostroff…I could go on, but I think I’ll stop here!
Where can our readers purchase your books?
My books are available on Amazon, both in digital and paperback formats. You can find all my books here.
You are very welcome to follow my blog here.

Photo: Courtesy of Mirta Ines Trupp