Thanksgiving is Coming: 37 Place Cards to Elevate Your Thanksgiving Table

Are you hosting a larger group this Thanksgiving?

Then we highly recommend you add place cards to your table setting. It will help you create a positive atmosphere.

Preparing a sit-down dinner for so many people is stressful enough that you shouldn’t also be worrying about who will be sitting next to whom. You truly don’t want to have to worry about that person x and person y may accidentally end up sitting next to one another and start a big argument about something that has the potential of ruining the evening for everyone.

We have put together a list of our favourite Thanksgiving inspired designs we believe will elevate your table décor.

Shop: DreamPaperCompany

Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: EngraveCelebration

Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: ExclusDesigns

Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: GlitterCakeToppers

Photos: Courtesy of ETSY


Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: StriveStudioCA

Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Shop: ThePrintableOccasion

Photos: Courtesy of ETSY

Post Author: admin