Welcoming Shabbat on a Friday night is something very special and dear to so many Jewish families all around the world. Bidding it farewell and welcoming the new week with an equally wonderful Havdalah ceremony in your home has its very own charm and should not be missed.
To enhance your Jewish home practice even more, we have put together a short list of our favourite handmade Israeli Havdalah designs of the season, with a focus on gorgeous and delicate silver and anodised aluminium pieces.
These carefully selected Havdalah Sets would not only make a marvellous addition to your own private Judaica collection but a magnificent present to someone very dear to you as well. Time to fall in love with these stunning designs Made in Israel!

Shop: BierJudaica

(available in a variety of colours)
Shop: NadavArt
Shop: ShohamYemeniteArt

Shop: ShragaLandesmanArt

Photos: Courtesy of ETSY