When Jewish boys or men begin wearing a Tallit, and what type, depends primarily on their ancestry and/or which community they belong to.
In many Ashkenazi Jewish communities of Eastern European descent, it is customary for the groom to wear a Tallit made from wool under the Chuppah, which traditionally has been given to him as a gift by his bride or her family.
Ashkenazim with western European ancestry, Sephardim and Mizrachim start wearing Tallitot much sooner than their Eastern European counterparts.
There are many talented weavers in Israel and around the worldת who made it their mission creating gorgeous Tallitot in accordance with Jewish Law.
We have put together a small selection of examples we have come across over the past few years that would not just make a wonderful present for your or your child’s groom, but a beautiful heirloom for future generations.

Shop: TallisManJudaica
Photos: Courtesy of ETSY
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Rabbi Andrea Frank would be delighted to perform the ceremony and is looking forward to hearing everything about the wedding of your dreams!
For more information about the services she offers, please visit her website.