Photo: Courtesy of Aviva Bloom
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
I was raised in Newton, Massachusetts and was artistic from a young age. My parents fostered my artistic side by sending me to art camps and to Emunah V’Omanut for my year abroad. I made aliyah in July 2019
What inspired you to become an artist?
I would say that my bathroom wallpaper totally inspired me to become an artist. My childhood bathroom had the greatest Monet Garden of Giverney waterlillies wallpaper and staring at that combined with many years of art museum field trips with my dad and collaging sessions with my mom led me to develop my artistic sense.
What is your specialty?
My specialities include: Ink work, watercolour, Hebrew Calligraphy and very vibrant/psychedelic kotel paintings. I have dreams of starting my own greeting card company. Let’s just say that I have many artistic goals and dreams.
How and where do you work?
I work in my home studio in Jerusalem. I am very process oriented. Though I paint quickly I often take multiple passes at a piece of artwork.
What is the most indispensable item in your studio?
My ink dropper for dropping inks onto wet watercolour paper. Those droppers are magic makers!
Where do you take your inspiration? Are you pursuing any themes?
I take inspiration from nature – I am a true lover of flower and plant life. I am also inspired by the work of great fashion designers such as the late Alexander McQueen, artwork in galleries, adorable succulents and the pairings of seemingly unrelated themes tied together in an art piece. I am currently pursuing a theme of landscapes of Israel and prayer through watercolour.
Do you do bespoke work?
Sure do – I love creating individual original customized work. I will paint on any surface – shoes, jackets, slices of wood- I have created designs for his and hers matching velour sweat suits! I have even printed in white Hebrew calligraphy on a gingko leaf.
What projects are you currently working on?
Illustrating Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s Seven Beggars tales, a portrait of my husband, and many small multicolored kotel pieces.
What is your favourite item in your current collection?
I really love the 47×47 Kotel I created during COVID19. It’s just huge and cheerful and I love that it is a circle painted onto a square canvas.
How do you know when a piece is finished?
Oh boy. I will say that as I mature and grow and learn more about myself I know when to take a painting break. I am a real maximalist at heart but I am learning to tow the line between minimalism and maximalist that feels right to me. When I was younger I would rush to finish a piece but now I let things be.
What was the first artwork you ever sold?
A very colourful portrait of the last Lubavitcher Rebbe. I LOVE painting portraits of Rabbis with multicolored beards!
Which project have you enjoyed working on the most so far?
I really love leading art workshops! I also once created a book insert for my synagogue’s Friday night siddur using micron pens and I think it brings a homey and inviting feeling to Friday night prayer services there.
What do you want to achieve with your work and what are your wishes for the future?
I want to bring something new to the world of Judaica. I want to create gifts for Jewish celebrations! I want to bring more funkiness to the Jews! I am so inspired by modern Judaica and I think that I can bring something new to the scene. I would LOVE to do a mural here in Jerusalem!
Where can we find your work?
Website: creavivityart.com
Instagram: @creavivity_art
Facebook: Creavivity Art By Aviva Bloom
Photos: Courtesy of Aviva Bloom

Photo: Courtesy of Aviva Bloom